After a successful networking session in Bangkok, Thailand the SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN project is organising another networking session for interested institutions and research projects in Brussels, Belgium. The event will take place on 28 March 2014 in Brussels, Belgium.This meeting is helpful if you
- want to get to know and network with fellow environment research projects (in the areas of climate change, resource efficiency and raw materials) with an ASEAN focus and/or relevant research results for the region
- want to identify and harness synergies with other projects (possible future cooperation; sharing of results and work, etc.)
- want to get in touch with the SUSTAIN team, communicating what kind of support your research efforts would benefit from
The SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN project generally has to offer
- networking and project twinning support: find and coordinate with similar projects!
- R&D services for results take-up: get support in approaching potential investors!
- communication and exposure support: make your results visible for potential users!
Get in touch here, if you are interested in joining the meeting. The pre-meeting agenda is available as an attachment below,
Read more about the event on the SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN website.
Contact information: